Monday, January 7, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things

You know the song "These Are A Few of MY Favorite Things"? That song of NOT one of my favorites, but I like the idea. Here are a few snaps of things I love about Christmas.

Special Christmas goodies- This is my Mom's delicious Coffee Punch!!

And this is Layered Pumpkin Loaf- yummy!
Christmas Wreaths- This is our cheap little cranberry wreath, but I still love it!
Twinkle Lights- They are all over our house
Here is a much prettier wreath- my Mom started with a plain grapevine wreath and decorated it for me. Isn't it beautiful?!
My Mother-in-Law has a beautiful Christmas arrangement on her kitchen table. It is a glass bowl of cranberries with a floating star candle. I love seeing it there every year!Everybody taking pictures!! This is my sister, Katie.

And video-taping (this is Dustin's Dad).
REAL Christmas trees! The smell is amazing. And Sophie likes it too. Seeing all the different houses and their unique decorations. This was at my Grandaddy Dickens' house.
Fancy Christmas dishes- These belong to my Step-Grandma, Jamie
Lots and lots of candles everywhere!
Cracking and eating pecans (pronounced pee-cans).

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