Friday, January 25, 2008

Boxes and Tape

I love packing!! Don't bother telling me that it's weird; I already know. There is just something great about a big empty box just waiting to be filled up. I love to try and fill each box with as much as I can, positioning everything perfectly so more will fit. It is like a puzzle to me. Then when I am satisfied that the box has fulfilled its potential, I fold down the flaps and tape it up, happy that I have made a perfect package. Then I get to find another empty box!! One of the parts I like most about packing (and unpacking) is that I get to organize everything! I think I would call organizing one of my hobbies. It's just fun to "make a place for everything and put everything in its place."

In honor of my love for packing, I have asked Dustin if I can do all of it. He was very willing to let me have my way on this one! However, I did tell him that he could load all of it up on the truck (and I'll help too, of course).

The problem with my packing is that I'm a little over-zealous. This past weekend was great because I got to pack the whole time, but now we feel like we're camping. We still have two weeks before the actual move, and we've already missed a few things that I figured we would not need before that time (besides, I had the perfect space for it in one of my boxes!).

Sophie has been very helpful in this whole process. You can see below that without her the couch would surely start to drift toward the ceiling.

1 comment:

Chris and Cheryl said...

Hey Jennie! I LOVE reading your blog, you crack me up. I love organizing too and think the same way about packing boxes, lol. Hope you guys are doing well. I will update our blog soon, we just got back from Chris' classes in Tland and trying to get back into a good routine:). Love you and miss you!! Cheryl