Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Something New

I was tagged by Adrienne (http://ourlivesasvesselsofmercy.blogspot.com/). It is a "7 Random/Weird things" meme... What's a meme? I just found out that it's something that's passed from blog to blog.

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share seven random or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 Random/Weird things about me:

1. I love to fill out forwarded surveys and doctors office forms, etc. If Dustin has any forms that need to be filled he brings them to me. What is so exciting about name/address/phone? I have no idea.

2. I have been a vegetarian for half my life because my Mom read something to me about how chickens are processed that grossed me out. I lost my appetite for all meat and haven't gotten it back for 12 years.

3. I am very particular about bedsheets. When I put new sheets on the bed the flat sheet has to be folded down a little at the top. And the comforter and the sheet HAVE to stay together. If they separate I get a little stressed out. And if there is a stray sock in the bed I will wake up and I cannot go back to sleep until it is out. I usually wake Dustin up saying "there's a foreigner in the bed!"

4. I have an aversion to Monopoly. Some of you know about this. I will never play it again because it takes too long and it is stupid.

5. I have a favorite nightshirt that I absolutely love. When I see that it is clean in my PJ drawer I smile and hug it. Dustin laughs.

6. I am allergic to citrus- strawberries, oranges, kiwi, lemons, etc.

7. I laugh hysterically at stupid corny jokes, but it usually takes a few tries for me to get the really good ones.

Yay, that was fun. I am tagging Joy, Nicole, Rachel, Caitlin, Cheryl, and Elise.


Adrienne said...

I thought you loved Monopoly :). I thought of you when I saw the commercial for the new Monopoly where you use the credit/debit card machine instead of money. I haven't wanted to play in a long time until I saw the new monopoly. You got to try the new one if you get a chance....Maybe you'll change your mind..

Chris and Cheryl said...

Hey Jennie, u crack me up:), I loved reading the 7 things about you. I still can't believe you are a vegetarian:)...I love meat,but then again, I haven't heard any stories about how chicken's are processed. Maybe you can tell me. I am also very finicky about sheets, how funny, and Chris just laughs at me and thinks I am crazy. Well, have a great day! love you! Cheryl

Mark and Rachel said...

I remember the Monopoly thing now...ha! But doesn't it just take you back to your childhood?

Dustin and Jennie Harrell said...

No Monopoly... not now, not ever. I've given in before and regretted it after a 10-billion-hour game!! Never again.