Friday, November 30, 2007

I Never Thought I Would be Thankful for This...

The most difficult week of my life was when Dustin was in Ecuador for ten days and I was home alone. I'm sure that sounds really silly to some of you, but it is absolutely true. I felt so lonely even when I was in a group of friends. Every day seemed so long because I couldn't look forward to seeing Dustin when I got home from work. I think I was pretty pitiful, and I'm sure my parents and Dustin's parents can attest to that.

One night when I got home from work I walked in the door and realized that everything looked exactly the same as it did when I left that morning. The dishes were done, the table was wiped clean, the floor was spotless. Doesn't sound too bad, but it was very depressing for me. Suddenly I realized that there was no evidence that Dustin had been home that day. I was alone. I had no one to nurture. I found myself wishing that I could just have SOMETHING to clean or pick up or cook or fold.

At that moment I realized how much I had complained. Dustin has a million incredible qualities... he is a wonderful singer, guitar-player, listener, chef, artist, and much more. However, his personality is very different from mine in the organizing and picking-up-after-yourself department. I don't know if I could count how many times I have huffed, puffed, whined, or rolled my eyes while picking up socks, towels, shoes, plates, cups, candy wrappers, etc. I know that Dustin does not leave his stuff around the house to make me angry; he just does not have the pick-it-up reflex.

That night was a wake-up call for me. I decided that I will never again whine about wet towels on the bed or dirty socks on the floor or any other messes needing to be cleaned. I finally understood more clearly how much I should be thankful. Those things that I would have complained about before have taken on a new meaning. They are evidences that I have a husband who loves to be home with me. Wow...

I have not gotten over my relief that Dustin is safe at home with me. Tonight we took a drive, took nutty pictures of ourselves in the car, and laughed like crazy. When we came home I saw some socks on the floor. I smiled, picked them up, and hugged my precious husband. I am praying that God will maintain this attitude in me; I know I cannot do it on my own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that encouragement, Jennie. I needed to hear that today. love melissa