Wednesday, October 15, 2008

God is working in Ecuador, and in Dustin's heart!

Here is the note I got from Dustin tonight! Sounds like things are going GREAT!! I'm am thankful for what God is doing in Ecuador...

"It is so encouraging to hear from you and how you are praying for the Lord´s work over here. Well, today went well. We spent 8 hours! in the Word and the manual. It is great and I am learning alot. I don´t know what I am going to do with this when I get home. There is so much to teach and its right here at our fingertips, Amazing! I will have an opportunity to teach tomorrow so pray for that but pray more for the people that this takes with the leaders here and that the churches shape up and that the people get excited for evangelism, church planting and TRUE DISCIPLESHIP. I am very encouraged. We will be here together next year. God´s Word is sufficient even though I am not. His Holy Spirit is the best teacher there is and we get one-on-one lessons! Free of charge just devotion and effort on our part."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is great news! I am so glad the Lord is using Dustin and Tim to encourage and teach the saints in Ecuador. We are praying for them. We love you!