Monday, July 16, 2007

The Sandy Seashore!

We got to go spend two separate weekends at the beach! It was great. We had a wonderful time relaxing and spending time together. We had mostly good weather, but it did get stormy several times, usually just as we arrived at the ocean or at the pool. You can see the dark clouds in several of our shots. On one day we were looking down the length of the beach at some dark clouds overhead, and we noticed alot of sand swirling into the air. When we looked up at the sky above the swirling sand we saw a funnel cloud! Yes, we saw a TORNADO right on the beach, about one hundred yards away from where we stood. It touched down for a minute and then disappeared, but it was amazing to see. We are still wishing that we would have taken our camera out to get a picture, but we were both in such shock that we almost couldn't move. It was amazing. There is also a picture of the townhouses where we get to stay (thank you Me-Me and John!). And we got to watch a beautiful beach wedding. We love the beach!

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