Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Miss Blogging!!

I haven't given up on blogging!! I have really missed it! We have had so much going on during the past two weeks that I feel like I have been in a whirlwind. I have barely had time to even THINK about blogging. In the next few days I will explain more about all that has been going on in our corner of the world.

Right now it is 11:30, and I have been going non-stop all day (actually all week!). So before I drift off to dreamland, I want to tell ya'll about something crazy that happened last week. Last Wednesday morning I walked out to my car at 8:15 to head to work. When I got near my car I heard a soft but high-pitched sound that I thought was a mockingbird. Then I looked down and saw the most adorable little fluff that I have ever seen! It was a precious little kitten. She hobbled over to me and rubbed around my pants. Of course I could not leave her there!

I ran inside to wake Dustin up (it was his day off, and his day to sleep in... sorry Sweetie!) I brought the kitten inside, put her in our laundry room, and ran off to work. Dustin took her to the vet later in the day and dropped her off to get checked out. When he dropped her off an adoption agency was there, and they donated $100 for us to get her vaccinated, de-wormed, and tested for feline leukemia.
I picked her up when I got off work that evening. The doctor said that she had alot of cuts on her neck area, and that her right shoulder was really sore. He said that she had probably been attacked by another cat. He also said that she was probably about seven weeks old. She was starving for both food and attention. So I took her back home to rest for a few days. She lived in our laundry room, and she slept alot. We really had fun watching her roll around and play. We really wanted to keep her with us, but Dustin and I decided that we don't need to add one more expense to our budget right now.
On Friday I took her to work with me. She played behind the teller line and got some loving from my co-workers and from many of my favorite customers. Finally, that afternoon, one of those favorite customers volunteered to give her a wonderful home. I have talked to the new owner since then, and the kitten is doing great! Her shoulder has gotten stronger so she does not limp anymore, and she seems happy and healthy! I am so glad that we were able to rescue such a sweet little baby!!
Then the story takes an unfortunate plunge. On Thursday morning I suddenly realized that my wallet was not in my purse. I skimmed the house before work, and looked all over my car. All day I wondered where it could be hiding... I figured it must be under some boxes in the house. But on my lunch break I got the sinking feeling that I had sat it on the top of my car when I was putting the kitten back on the car at the vet hospital. I drove home and searched my house just in case, and when I still could not find it I decided to drive over to the hospital. I looked all over the parking lot, and then I started to walk up and down the street.
My heart was sinking lower and lower with every step, especially since my wallet contained my license, social security card, debit and credit cards, and some gift cards that I got for my birthday. I was so excited when I found three of four of my photos lying on the ground beside the street. I thought I was at the start of a little trail that would lead me directly to my wallet. No. After about an hour of walking up and down the street in my business attire (including heels) with tears brimming and sweat dripping, I called Dustin and begged him to come help me on his lunch break. He did, and we found several more pictures, but still no wallet. We looked under bushes, through poison ivy, and in wooded areas near the road, all the while praying that God would make it turn up!
All the pictures we found were damp and torn in places, but each one offered a glimmer of hope. After two hours we gave up. Had my wallet not contained my SS card, I probably would not have put so much effort into finding it. So I drove back to my very understanding co-workers and cancelled all my cards that afternoon. What a terrible feeling...

My new credit and debit cards have been arriving over the last few days, and yesterday another letter came as well. It was from the Kernersville Police Department, and it told me that someone turned my wallet over to them!! I was so excited, relieved and grateful!! So I went to the station on my lunch break and got my wallet. Many many thanks to Keith Oleker who found it and turned it in!! I tried to look him up so that I could thank him, but he is unlisted. There is no record of him at all in the triad area. Makes you wonder about angels on earth...

So there is a tiny snippet of what has been going on with us. Thankfully that part is over, and more exciting things are yet to come!! I'll be posting more about those things over the next few days.

I hope I haven't lost all my readers because of the long periods between posts lately. I promise I will get back on track! I miss blogging!